Awaken The Cartoonist


Awaken The Cartoonist Within


This may sound like a corny title, but that is exactly what you are doing when you use the techniques of “HowTo Become A Cartoonist” – you are training your mind to find the funny side of everything, and that’s what acartoonist does.

Below I’ve listed a few of the benefits this ebook can offer you, and how it can help youovercome some of the stumbling blocks you may face when you’re trying to learn to draw cartoons and be a cartoonist:

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1) You can become a cartoonist now, immediately – you don’t have to wait until you are a master cartoon-artist, you don’t have to even learn to draw any better than you draw right now. By keeping your drawings simple but focussing on the content of your cartoon – what you want to show or say in your cartoon – then you can begin immediately to create images from your wittiest ideas.

2) You’ll learn how to generate ideas for cartoons quickly and easily. The more you do it the easier it gets. I discovered my self that it didn’t take long before I was seeing potential cartoon material all over the place, and I literally had to stop thinking about finding ideas because they were coming to me so fast, I had more ideas noted down than I could find the time to draw. And there’s no point in having the ideas if you’re not
going to complete them.

3) Unlimited ideas – literally, every word in a dictionary, every topic in an encyclopedia, every event of your day could be the subject of a cartoon. They are just waiting to be developed by you.

4) You’ll be able to cartoon any subject – even those you might think are not suited to cartoons, or that have no humor in them. There definitely is a funny side to everything, and you’ll be able to find it. If you’ll want to share it is a different matter. Remember – even death is funny if you look at it from the right angle.

5) Cartooning gives an extra purpose to your drawing activity. Why do you draw, why do you want to draw, why do you want to draw cartoons? How many of your drawings do you hang on the wall, share with others, submit for publication, use as a practical illustration? Do you draw only to hide the drawing away afterwards.

There is nothing wrong with just drawing for the immediate pleasure it gives you, but cartooning gives you a purpose and reason to draw: to create a cartoon, and to give life and posterity to an otherwise fleeting moment of humor and insight.

6) Learn to draw. If you want to be able to draw, cartooning is one of the most pleasurable ways to learn. Look, learning in itself is not much fun – having the knowledge or capacity to do something after the learning, and then doing it… that is actually what we desire. The simple reason most people fail to learn what they want to do is that they don’t stick with it long enough for it to become one of their natural abilities.

Cartooning is a fun past-time, especially when you’re creating work you can share, and because it’s so much fun you’ll keep at it. Drawing because you love to draw, not because you want to learn. And through the natural process of regular drawing activity, your ability will improve greatly and consistently. People will look at your work and say things like: “I wish I could draw like you”, or “You must have a natural talent”. You may feel
a long way from that now, and have trouble drawing a satisfying cartoon face; but it’s a small step from drawing cartoon faces to drawing realistic faces, and that is considered the pinnacle of drawing mastery.

7) You’ll never have “Artists Block” – not knowing what to draw. With so many subjects to choose from, and so
many ideas of how you can draw them, you’ll have more things to draw than time to draw them.

8) You’ll have a visual journal of your personal, unique experience of life. Cartooning gives you the chance to portray something that is impossible to capture with a camera, and difficult to recreate with words – it gives you the means to materialize and archive events that never happened, moments of hilarity that only existed as a potential; you are putting your imagination onto paper for others to see. Your cartoons are not illustrations of the world around us, they are the records of your personal observation and perception of the world around you – they are embedded with your identity.

9) Proof of your talent and ability… and of your humor, your creativeness and your communication prowess. If you have doubt in any of these abilities then you’re only fooling yourself. It’s all too easy to fool yourself; to tell yourself and others that you have no talent or that you can’t learn anything new.

All that separates people with a particular talent and people without, is an unquestionable desire just to “do” what they do. If you want to do something badly enough, you don’t even consider whether you have the talent or not… you just do it. By doing”, you increase your skill, and continually provide yourself with proof of your ability.

Create one cartoon, and you have the immediate proof that you can create one cartoon.

Create a hundred cartoons and you have the proof that you are a cartoonist.

10) This book will open you up to a world of possible “professional” creativity. The internet has given us a portal to an immense audience. Share your work with that audience and it could very possibly lead to a career move. Selling cartoons, making cartoons on demand, illustrating websites, and then books, self-publishing… areas of potential income-generating creativity that you may only have dreamed of. The world really is your playground, and your stage. You can again “dare to dream”.

11) Acquire status. Do you already know what it’s like to possess an ability that impresses almost everyone you come into contact with? How many people do you know who would really love to be able to sing; to be able to read music; to play the piano or any musical instrument; to speak a second language; or… to be able to draw?

I work daily with 60 to 70 educated individuals, and over 90% of them admit to cherishing one or more of the above desires. Can you imagine how I feel amongst them, as someone who can do all of these things. Now I can’t do what they do, but it’s my abilities that are coveted; my talents that are admired.

They give me a prominent status among my peers and help me to maintain the balance over my weaker traits. We all need to have something that we are good at, and being able to draw makes a specifically strong impression on people… being able to draw cartoons, and to make people laugh has an even stronger effect.

12) No more drawing frustrations. How do you deal with the frustration of trying to draw something and messing it up? Do you scrunch up the paper and start again? Or maybe you give up right away and fall back into the belief that you have no talent. Well you don’t need to feel frustrated about drawing cartoons. As I mentioned earlier, this book is not about drawing, it’s about being a cartoonist – and one of the main points the book
makes consistently is that you can draw as badly as a 6year old and still be a successful cartoonist. Because the “IDEA” is what it’s all about, not the drawing. Focus on the idea, busy yourself with the message you want to communicate, and stop wanting to be able to draw a perfect Disney character or Manga hero. Save yourself the trouble of having to learn to draw, focus on being a cartoonist, and the drawing part will take care of itself in time, without any study, without any practice and without the frustrations.

13) No more comparisons. You know the situation: you make a drawing you’re proud of , and then you see a better drawing that makes yours look pathetic in comparison, and you are immediately demotivated. Or you think up a funny gag for a cartoon, and someone else has made a funnier one on the same subject. Comparing yourself to others is demoralizing, unless you compare yourself to those who have less ability than you – but then those comparisons don’t give you any motivation to improve.

A tennis player pitches himself against a better sportsman so he can get better himself, but he knows before he starts that he’s not the best. If you want to be the best cartoonist you’re asking for problems.

This ebook inspires you to find and develop your own voice, your own vision, and to deliver it in your own style. Because then you are focussing on originality, and you can’t compare that – you can’t say that one person’s originality is better than another’s… original is original! And anyway, you’ll be too busy enjoying cartooning to compare yourself with others.

14) No more dissapointments. How can there be when you are creating originality?

15) A unique route to becoming a cartoonist. There are literally thousands of books and courses available on cartooning. You owe it to yourself to find the right one for you. The fact that you are still looking might be a sign that you haven’t found the right one yet. Or maybe you can’t decide which is the right one out of the immense choice on offer.

Do you get the impression that all these thousands of books are teaching the same thing, and most often in the same way? That’s my impression, and that’s why I’ve never bought one of them. I’ve seen some great cartoons in my life, but what made them great was not the artistry – although that can sometimes be wonderful.

No, what made them great was how powerful the humor was, how deep the insight, how perfect the timing, how recognizable the folly, how surprising the association. That is what I wanted to emulate – that is what cartooning meant to me.

And that is what I never could find in the cartooning books and courses I searched through.

So I’ve had to develop it for myself, as countless top-cartoonists have probably done for their selves too. And just as you could do for yourself… if you didn’t have this book.

You don’t necessarily need a book to help you learn something, a book is a mere substitute for a real teacher. But it can be a short-cut, and it can be an inspirator, and a support when you’re trying to learn something alone.

But I believe the real benefit of this book is that it opens your mind to the potential that already lies within you; frees you from the standard path of learning, and stimulates you to create your own route to becoming a cartoonist, riding on the belief in your own originality, your unique personality, and your own special sense of humor.
