Drawing Cartoon Tutorials – Revamping old cartoon gags


Drawing Cartoon Tutorials – Revamping old cartoon gags


Are you stuck for something to draw, or out of funny ideas for your cartoons? Here’s a simple solution: Look up some old cartoon gags and revamp them… bring them up to date.

Think of all the old classic movies that have been remade for the simple reason that they were great stories… just dated. Remakes are popular, and they save having to think up something new – why let a good idea fade away and die?

The same can be done with cartoons. Many old cartoon gags are just as relevant today as they were in their own times – what comes around goes around! But the drawing styles, and the way cartoonists formulated their texts in bygone eras are all so out of date.

But you can update them. Re-draw them with modern settings and characters, and add some modern language and expressions.

In the process you’ll probably discover new associations which inspire new, original cartoons. So take a look through the archives of some popular cartoon sources as newspapers and magazines – see what you can come up with.

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